How to walk into your best year yet

5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Happy New Year ! We have made it to 2022 friends. As the years fly by, I can’t help but to make the best of it. Regardless if we have Mr. C running rapid, we are still able to live a life of luxury. (Luxury can be anything) I believe suffering is not what God wanted us to be on this earth experiencing. Yes, we have our ups and downs. However, it’s always sunny on the other side. Here's a few tips to make this your best year yet!


I shared in my 3 Sunday Success Tips post that Tithing really can do A LOT! I know many may question the ideology of tithing but honestly it’s the least we can do. He blesses us over and over. Tithing doesn’t always mean money. Giving your time and allowing him to use you. I constantly say since I tithed so much last year, it came back to me 10 fold. I watched things literally fall in my hands. I encourage you to just try it. Watch a service one weekend and GIVE. I usually do about 10% of whatever I have in my account at the time. I guarantee you will be blessed. That house you want, TITHE. That car you want, TITHE. That business you want, TITHE.

Get your body moving!

I can honestly say I have a HATE/love relationship with working out haha. However, I will say my mind is clear when I do so. I have so many reasons why I want to stay in shape. Number 1 is I have 3 kids haha. They like to run around and I have to stay abreast with all the cool things they may learn. Secondly, Health is WEALTH. We are living in a time where if you’re healthy it’s extremely wealthy. So I want to stay wealthy so let me get healthy haha.

I’ve been doing a challenge where I work out or move my body for 20 minutes minimum. It has really stretched me out but I feel great after. I feel productive. Get up and get out there friends. Get that productivity going friends.

Refresh your mind

It’s so easy to get into a routine of being on your phone all day. I will say I fall short of this. However, the wealthy are FOREVER students. It will always be someone a bit further that you to learn from. I am making it my business to pick up a book this year. My eyes deserve to see paper for more than 5 minutes haha. Read those books and apply that knowledge friends.

Don’t forget about affirmations. I’m actually a huge fan of them. I have an app that sends reminders throughout the day to help me remind myself WHO I am and WHOSE I am! I have “I AM” and Idillionare.

Get up and do what you love. I preach this so much because all we have left is our sanity. We are living in such a weird world. We have to start affirming that we are entering into our best year yet. Get some rest, drink some water, tithe, work out, and refresh your mind friends. I hope you enjoyed this post. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook

Photos by Casie Bolden


Antoinette F-M

— Meet Antoinette —

God fearing Wife, Mother of 3, Social Media Manager, and Blogger. Blogs about her passion with social media, journey through motherhood and wifehood, sharing her testimonies, and honest product reviews.


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