3 Reasons to have a Blogger Bestie

I remember in 2019 Ashley and I was in network marketing and we were so unfulfilled. We were putting in endless amount of hours and not being compensated like we deserved. Ashley is a former educator and you already know my story but if not read it HERE.

One day I got this random opportunity to advertise for a shaving company. I literally contacted Ashley drove over an hour to shoot in her bathroom and she took the photo LOL. It was that day I knew we would literally be in this blogger industry FOREVER! Opportunities flooded our inboxes and we were getting campaigns left and right (thankfully we STILL are). Here’s 3 reasons why you should have a Blogger Bestie in this Influencer industry!


When it comes to collaboration, blogger besties are front in center. Just imagine bouncing ideas of content creation with someone who truly understands. I have friends who have no clue what brands share with me. However, my blogger besties understand the assignment haha. We are able to communicate about the frustrations, highs and lows in this industry. Pictured right is the photo she took of me in her bathroom in 2019! Collaboration over competition. She is my sister in this industry not my competitor. It is SO much opportunity for the both of us and I wish more knew this. We are better together!

Get to the Money!

We are stay at home moms juggling a ton of tasks. Ashley has 2 children and I have 3 children and we do it ALL. Sometimes I wonder how I do it my darn self lol! However, there has been times when brands will low ball you! WOMP WOMP! So Ashley and I share money goals and most times compensation with one another because we know our worth and add tax to it! We had a mutual brand reach out to us and they gave me one rate and gave her a different rate. I kindly negotiated and said I wouldn’t collaborate because I wanted a fair amount of pay. This helped big time because we should be paid our worth right? So this is one of the reasons we are willing to be open with one another. I’m not counting her pockets nor vice versa. We came in this together and we will continue to rise together. So I’m happy to say we both made 6 figures this year and we said we WOULD!


This is definitely one of my favorite reasons why we are blogger besties. Like I said in the beginning we were in network marketing and to stay in the field it took a LOT of accountability. Well there is no difference here! We hold each other accountable. We have power hours together, we keep each other motivated, and we don’t allow each other to quit or have excuses. We set our goal to make 6 figures this year and we meant it. So we did what we needed to do. We are actually doing this blogmas together. We knew if we wanted to make MORE money in 2022, it was finally time to get off of 1 platform and entertain 2 or more. I truly am thankful for accountability because when things get tough, we are able to encourage each other!

I remember reading a post and this girl shared how she moved to California and made more money she could ever dream of. It was until she shared her salary with colleagues and realized it was below what they were making. It was that day she finally knew her worth and asked for more. This is pretty much the same situation. I’ve learned wealthy people don’t make it to the top by theirselves. They have accountability in their corner. So this is a partnership I know will last for a lifetime. Head over to Ashley’s blog to read more about our blogger bestie relationship! Follow me on Instagram and Facebook

Photos by Casie Bolden


Antoinette F-M

— Meet Antoinette —

God fearing Wife, Mother of 3, Social Media Manager, and Blogger. Blogs about her passion with social media, journey through motherhood and wifehood, sharing her testimonies, and honest product reviews.


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