We delivered a baby at home unplanned| Birth Story


We gave birth on the bedroom floor! This was such an out of body experience and I’ve had so many people ask how the heck I did this? So it’s time to share once and for all. I know you all have been waiting gracefully so I hope you enjoy :) .

How We Got Here

So first let me start off by saying Maverick is a rainbow baby. Around February 2019 I experienced the worst thing a woman can experience, a miscarriage. By far the hardest experience of my life. When I found out I was pregnant with Maverick, I took every precaution known to man to make sure this would be a safe and happy pregnancy. Although we don’t have total control over the outcome, I took things slower than usual. 

Once we found out it was a boy, we were ecstatic! Here’s our gender reveal video .


The Week Before

I had Audrey and Arielle at 38 weeks so I’m not sure why I thought I would have him on his due date (May 4th). It was April 2020 and we were in the middle of a pandemic, not to mention searching for a house over 200 miles away. We were constantly on the road back and forth looking at homes before our lease was up. I remember my cousin texting me saying he would probably come on Friday the 24th. I told her I didn’t want him to come so soon because Audrey’s birthday is in April. It’s easier on the pockets to have different birth months haha. So as time got closer you would think I would start to prepare myself and my family for his arrival. Instead, I shopped for more stuff (as if our apartment could handle anything more)


The Day of His Birth

So the night before I started watching this video to prepare me for labor. Between Audrey and Arielle, I just pushed and didn’t breathe correctly. Especially with Arielle. I remember just hollering and saying I didn’t want to do it because it hurt so bad *Cues tears*. I also had her natural and unplanned. As a black mom, I didn’t feel as though my health was top priority.

Early that morning on April 24th, I had a bit of energy to get up and fix the girls some breakfast while hubby was working. I posted for all my clients and didn’t make myself anything which was quite odd. I lied back down and noticed I was in intense pain. I didn’t think anything of it. An hour passed and I went to the bathroom and noticed my mucus plug came out. At this point I’m nervous because Arielle came the next day after that happened. I told my husband and he started getting some of Maverick’s stuff together (gee golly we are LATE). So I got a bag but started having intense contractions so I lied back down. 

During those first contractions I called the on-call nurse and was told I would be ok laboring a little while longer due to this being my third child. So I started timing my contractions and noticed they were only 15-20 minutes apart. I started relaxing and surfing Instagram. My husband started packing our bags and getting the girls prepared for us to leave. Contractions started getting closer and closer and I called the on-call nurse again when I noticed they were 5-10 minutes apart. She said I should still be fine and to leave when I’m fully ready. So I told Musa (my husband) that I was in a lot of pain. Then one long contraction came and my water broke (Cues MELTDOWN)! I started crying and tried to get up. Musa was running like a chicken with his head cut off. He got the girls ready and bags packed to take them to my client’s house. He came in and checked on me and gave me pants to put on but I couldn’t do it. I got on the floor and just sat there. So he rushed the girls down to the car (mind you we lived on the 3rd floor). When he came back upstairs I was on my hands and knees yelling to call the ambulance, we aren’t going to make it and I’m about to pass out. So he called and this was the dialogue.

Dispatch: What’s your emergency?

Musa: My wife needs an ambulance, she is having contractions and the baby is coming!

Dispatch: Omg I will alert the ambulance to be on the way. We also need to screen you and her for Covid. Do you have a fever, shortnes…

Musa: We are not thinking about Covid she is having a baby

Me: Do you see the head *breathing uncontrollably* I feel him coming.

Musa: No I don’t see the head, Ma’am WHERE is the ambulance she is saying she feels him coming. Stop pushing Antoinette.

Dispatch: Sir I’ve never delivered a baby I need to put you on hold to ask for help.

Me: Do you see the head now??? I can’t stop pushing.

Musa: Where is the F’n ambulance? I see his head *Throws phone*

Me: breathing and pushing. After 3-4 pushes . .

Musa: *Helps pull Maverick out*

So baby Maverick was born around 2:50 PM on April 24th. Once he was delivered I noticed he wasn’t crying, but thankfully we heard sirens getting closer and the panic was slowly dying off. I didn’t have a nose stopper to help him clear his lungs so he was quiet for a few minutes. We heard the paramedics bang on the door and we hollered COME IN and the tears came rolling down his face (HALLELUJAH) . So I texted my client informing him of the delivery and to come to my house to get the girls. The girls were still in the car but thankfully Musa had the windows down. Once the paramedics came in they allowed Musa to cut the umbilical cord and made sure I was ok. I was lying on the floor and still confused on what just happened? I remember one of the paramedics asking did I want to deliver the placenta at home? I declined which was a very expensive decision (I should have said yes because the hospital charged me $250). I got up and got in the wheelchair and they put a mask on me and we went down all 3 flights of stairs and into the ambulance. The firefighters arrived and got Audrey and Arielle out of the car and Audrey sobbed and waved at me with my clients in tow. I was so quiet. I just couldn’t believe I had a baby at home haha. 

The Hospital Stay


Once we got to the hospital they took us up to labor and delivery and assessed Maverick and helped deliver the placenta. They also gave me pitocin to help the placenta to contract normally. Again something I wish I did at home because I would’ve had an easier stay. Once I got cleaned up they took us over to the recovery room and we stayed there for 2 days. Maverick had jaundice so they wanted to keep him a little longer and we didn’t want to leave without him. Every nurse had a mask on and originally I was supposed to wear a mask as well but I never left the room. They didn’t enforce it which helped my already shot nerves. Overall the whole stay was nice. It was very quiet for numerous reasons. I was super nervous to be in the hospital with Covid-19 running rapid but thankfully it was a pleasant stay for us. We were able to bond with Maverick quietly and truth be told we are still doing this. As I haven’t allowed him out of my sight for covid reasons. 


Would We Have Another Baby?

If you ask me right now, NO haha. Arielle’s delivery gave me PTSD. So Maverick pretty much took it out of the park. Although I will say that delivering at home with Musa was so peaceful and tranquil. It was just us and God. Musa was a business major so he had absolutely no clue on how to deliver a baby but he did so under pressure. I would prefer to have a home birth if we did get pregnant again. It’s just something I can’t explain but it was well worth it. Cheaper as well haha. For those who are first time moms I encourage you to learn breathing techniques and learn your body. I never felt more aligned with my body and how maverick easily came out. I didn’t tear or anything! 


I’m so sorry it took almost 8 months to let this juicy baby story out but better late than never right? Maverick has been such a joy. Gosh he was worth every little panic and pain haha. Hope you enjoyed and leave me a comment below if this is something you could have handled lol. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook


Antoinette F-M

— Meet Antoinette —


God fearing Wife, Mother of 3, Social Media Manager, and Blogger. Blogs about her passion with social media, journey through motherhood and wifehood, sharing her testimonies, and honest product reviews.


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