The Adventures of Arielle and Audrey


This post is sponsored by Hooray Heroes but all opinions are my own.

Hooray Heroes

I was scrolling down my timeline one day and noticed this personalized book by Hooray Heroes. As usual when you see an ad you click and find out more info. I noticed their unique personalization and figured they would be a great gift for my girls. They love reading books about different characters, but we never stumbled across certain books that looked exactly like them. The poems literally sounded just like them. One specific poem talked about everyday messes they cause. (Which is what they’re pros at lol.) The book also included stories about the daily adventures they go on with me daily and just everyday life in general.

The Process

The process of ordering the Hooray Heroes book was so easy and their website is very user friendly. I was able to customize everything from their hairstyles, skin color, eye color, nose, and face shape. It was literally like I was looking directly at them as I customized their characters. I added their names and gender (you can choose to add a brother or sister). Next, you can choose a narrator and add your name. I of course added myself because it was mommy ordering the book. After each of those steps, I had to choose 15 stories to include in their book. The different stories ranged from Doodling, Playground fun, Puddly Puddles, Beach Adventures, and more. Lastly, you can write a little dedication to your children. I decided on a heartfelt message so they can always remember mommy loves them and wants them to continue the adventure forever.


It Arrived!

The book came within 2 weeks. It takes a little longer to receive it because the book is personalized to perfection. Once my girls saw the book was about them, they were THRILLED. I think they actually felt like stars. My oldest was actually surprised to see a book with her name on it. I opened the book and read my dedication to them. My oldest daughter Audrey said “I love this book mommy and I love you too”. Arielle and Audrey’s eyes were sealed to each page. They weren’t used to hearing their name as the main characters in a book. It was usually about Sally, Mickey Mouse, Elmo, and any other character we picked up for them. To hear each poem included their name and picture just warmed my heart.


I have a 15% off Discount code (RAINBOWS15). You can enjoy and order your little ones a book. They will thank you a million times over for having a book that not only has their name on the book, but a book that actually looks just like them.


Antoinette F-M

— Meet Antoinette —


God fearing Wife, Mother of 2, Podcaster, Social Media Manager, and Blogger. Blogs about her passion with social media, journey through motherhood and wifehood, sharing her testimonies, and honest product reviews.


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