3 Tips for New Boy Moms

Boys, boys, and boys. . . I was a first time boy mom not too long ago. Maverick is going on 2 and I will probably be a bucket of tears lol! Honestly, boys are a joy but so hard to keep alive. I wish I was joking lol. As a baby he was very gentle and loved being with mama. Now that he has grown a tad bit. We have hit the terrific stages. I honestly would do it again if I had enough mental space. However, your girl is tapped out lol. If you’re a New boy mom here’s 3 tips to help you.

The pee pee

As you all may know I have 2 girls so once I pushed Mr. Maverick out it was a different ball game. I remember when we got to the hospital and Musa changed the diaper and the pee went flying. I’m not used to this haha. Then there is always the debate for Circumcision. I prefer to not go into depth with this. However, Maverick did receive one. Once they gave my baby back after the procedure I almost passed out. Brace yourselves mamas, it’s a bloody show. Make sure you are stocked with plenty of vaseline. I didn’t change a diaper until it was fully healed for that reason. Once it did heal boy oh boy the pee flew everywhere. You can purchase fun items like the peepee teepee. I didn’t purchase anything we just caught the pee with the diaper. If you’re into cute little gadgets then you’ll definitely love it. Essential items to purchase you can check out this blog post or mine here (in my opinion): Vaseline, Aquaphor (diaper rash), Aquaphor body wash, plenty of diapers, blankets, and grooming tools.

Black boy joy

The boy mom

For a while, Maverick didn’t allow his sisters to have anything to do with me. I was his and that’s it lol 😂. While he is still very territorial, he has started being a little more independent. Boys love their moms, ok. It’s a much different bond than girls. My girls LOVE me but Maverick LOVESSSS me lol. He can probably smell me a mile away (breastfeeder).

Once he started getting mobile it was a wrap. I always read how boys are much more rougher than girls. I figured my little baby wouldn't do half the stuff they said. WRONG lol. Boys are definitely BOYS! He has went through a biting stage from teething, all I heard was mom, Maverick bit me. Now he’s in a hitting stage. At this point I’m not sure what’s next but get ready to rumble haha. Also did I mention he likes to throw stuff? I like to turn things into a positive so my baby will enjoy throwing a ball in basketball or football. It’s literally what you make out of it. Essential items for your boy mom: A blanket with your scent-this is perfect when you have to leave out and the baby can still smell you next to them, Walker, bassinet -one of my favorite items for babies, Skip hop Baby Activity Center- Maverick sat inside this for a while and now we use it as a table.

The Clothes

Girls have these pretty dresses and accessories. Meanwhile boys have little toy cars on their shirts and random animals you possibly don’t know lol. Rest assured I have made it my business to find cute affordable clothes for boys. Yes, I’ve let a little truck or bear slide through. However, I’m huge on making sure I’m getting a bang for my buck. Where I shop for boys clothes: H&M their boys clothes are so cute and neutral. They can be a bit pricey at times but they’re always having amazing sales. T.J. Maxx and Marshall’s always have great affordable finds. These stores carry a lot of “sets”. Jacket and pants together for one price. Old Navy is great for pjs and they have the perfect $5 tees. Target will always carry cute boy clothes. Walmart has everything at such a great price. I usually shop at Walmart for daycare clothes. You can’t beat an $8 outfit! With each store just make sure you have a bit of time to really search for certain items you like. There is always small shops on Instagram I’ve purchased from as well like Mebie baby . Click the image for this full One outfit and set.

A letter to all boy moms

You are his, he is yours. Ever since he was created in your womb, you were given the special assignment to protect and love him. Teach him to love and care for others. Instill kindness and gentleness. Let him clean with you, cook with you, and be messy. What you teach him now will stick with him forever. I’m praying for the boldness and protection over all of the little boys growing. An extra hedge of protection for our little black boys that will one day be black men. You have the power to break generational curses with him and FOR him. Don’t allow a day to go by without sharing how much you love him. Our little boys need just as much as love and kindness as the girls do. I’m praying that our little boys will not have to just survive when they become men but THRIVE!

I hope you find this so helpful and if you’re already a boy mom feel free to add more to this list in the comments. Stay up to date with my newsletters HERE. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook


Antoinette F-M

— Meet Antoinette —

God fearing Wife, Mother of 3, Social Media Manager, and Blogger. Blogs about her passion with social media, journey through motherhood and wifehood, sharing her testimonies, and honest product reviews.


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