Pregnancy after a Loss| 3 ways to manage stress!


I woke up one day in August and started feeling “weird”. I told my husband I was late OMG, but I’m so irregular so it could be a hiccup. He enters and shows me a text from one of his best friends. “Are y’all expecting” Legit my heart dropped. After I had a miscarriage earlier that year (2019), I was no longer trying because I was. . . Traumatized. I immediately run to Walmart and get a test. Long story short, I was PREGNANT!

Every little thing rushed through my mind. Will I miscarry again? Hoping no negative side effects will come. Can we handle 3? Those were just a few things that flooded my mind. Thankfully my first trimester was a BREEZE! Here are 3 things I did differently to ensure a stressless first trimester.


As a mom of 2 already this was an impossible mission, but I had to give my body the adequate rest it so deserved. I’m growing a human again. When they napped, I napped. As soon as hubby came home I ate and slept. Work was minimal. My priority was to sleep and stay healthy! If you’re a working mom I know this can be hard, but your body and the baby will thank you for taking time to give your body the rest and energy it needs. I don’t have any family in the area so this was pretty much my hardest task that had no choice.


What’s slow to a toddler? NOTHING lol. Thankfully my oldest could tackle my youngest when I was out of breath. We didn’t leave the house much for this reason. If I had extra energy we’d walk around the mall with the stroller. When hubby was off I made sure we got out because I know it’s hard to contain a toddler in the house for long. While he’s home, I’m able to rest when I need to and take a little food break. We’re eating for two, right? Haha. I also take pregnancy privilege to the EXTREME. I know there are things I could do in First trimester, but again I took things S L O W. . . So although the remote was on the floor. I called someone to get it. Judge your brother lol. My body is in overdrive and I want to make sure I don’t cause any stress or strain while my rainbow baby is cooking.


3. Stop stressing the small things

Like I said when I first found out about being pregnant my biggest fear was miscarrying again. Every time I ran to the bathroom, I checked for anything unusual and this is a habit of mine. So I had to stop stressing the small things. I can’t control what happens, but I can control how I react to it. So when I discovered bad news or anything that didn’t sit well with my spirit, I prayed about it and tried to let it go. Things happen so fast. For example social media can be toxic sometimes. Give yourself grace and log off. There are times that death appeared every time I scrolled my newsfeed. I knew it was time to log off. Although, I did pay my respect for those who lost family members, but I stress over small things so I knew I had to exit stage left. Any little stress can cause so many complications. Don’t stress, sis!

The first trimester is a trial month. Since this is my Third time successfully getting through the first trimester woes. I feel a little “experienced” lol. My first two were kind of rocky, but this trimester has been pretty easy! If you’re in your first trimester after a loss, CONGRATULATIONS. This is a huge milestone and I’m praying for you to have an amazingly healthy birth.

I hope these 3 tips helped you breath a little easier. I wanted to tell the world as soon as I found out, but when you’ve lost one baby, you’re not sure you’ll lose another. However, we have to learn to celebrate small wins and BIG wins. Every week I celebrated just making it to the next week. It’s not easy, but we have to be strong for the babies God granted us again. I’m praying for those who are able to bounce back from a pregnancy loss.


Antoinette F-M

— Meet Antoinette —


God fearing Wife, Mother of 3, Social Media Strategist, Influencer, and Blogger. Blogs about her passion with social media, journey through motherhood and wifehood, sharing her testimonies, and honest product reviews.


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