Girl, Read Your Bible! 3 Tips on How to get back in the Word.


December 2018 I planned for big things to happen in 2019. I knew it was going to be a life-changing year. 2017 was one of the best years of my life, so I figured years with an odd number were just my year lol. You ever thought that way? I created New Year resolutions and prepared a vision board just to set the tone for the year! Hubby bought me a Busy Mom's Bible so I was set. In January everything was going great. My new Social Media Business was booming. I started receiving clients left and right. I was consistently reading my bible, devotionals, and praying. Go, Antoinette, Go Antoinette. Everything was good. So one day I get this email stating the owner of our house wanted to return home. When I tell you I cried my eyes out for dayssss. That was the turning point of me wanting to “rent” again. How could he, right?

Although that was his house. This brand new 3 bedroom townhouse that we had since 2017 was being swept right from under our feet. Not to mention a week later I found out I was pregnant with baby #3. Talk about STRESS. I had 3 months to leave one of my dream homes and then try to provide for another mouth. Ok God, what are you planning here? A few weeks later, I had a Miscarriage. My resolutions of being this God-fearing young lady dismissed. I was numb for some time. Putting on a facade like everything was ok. Still going with the flow and taking care of everyone but myself. After we moved into our apartment I couldn’t pick up the bible. My faith was paralyzed. I resorted back to my bible app. I constantly fed myself the bible through the app. However, picking up a physical bible was like picking up bricks. I know God doesn't put more on us than we can handle, but I had a lot of moments where I couldn't understand why those things happened to me, to us? Here we are in the 8th month of 2019 and I am finally comfortable with picking up my bible. Something I was scared to do because of the heavy burdens I would have to face to use it. Here's WHY you need to read your bible, sis!

Disclaimer: I am not a preacher or prophet so I am giving these tips from experience.


Every time we Question ourselves, the Answer is in the bible.

Have you been worrying too much? Read Matthew 6:25,27- “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Angry and annoyed lately? Psalm 37:8- Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil. Need a Healing? Mark 5:34- And he said to her, “ Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.” A lot of people read the bible and don't understand it. So it’s imperative to pray before you read the bible. Ask for an understanding of what you are about to read. God will direct you through his word. Write down that specific verse that speaks to you. It may not make sense now, but it will make sense when it truly matters. Just do not lean on your own understanding.


Don’t wish. . . Pray your way through it

I can't tell you how many times I have wished for things to happen and not happen this year. I wished we didn't move, I wished we didn't have a miscarriage, I wished we could've purchased a house. Imagine if I prayed about those wishes. God doesn't make mistakes. He is very thorough with his decisions on our lives. He loves and cares for you so much. Pray for those things that are happening in your life. Pray for peace, pray for an increase, pray for a house and/or a baby. Don’t write the check and allow it to become void. Send that prayer to our father.


Cherish the current blessings

Sings Never would've made it… without YOU. When you read certain books in the bible you question how some of them made it? Joseph’s brothers plotted to kill him (Genesis 37:18). Instead, they sold him into slavery. But, he was put in charge by Pharaoh. Cherish those downfalls. Understand these things happen for a reason. Your test in life is your testimony. What if God was rewriting the bible and had each of our names written with the test he has put us through? Loss of a parent, loss of a child, broken-hearted, beaten and broken, job loss. It’s always sunshine after the rain. Cherish those moments of increase and success. God knows exactly what he is doing for you! I hope and pray you open your bible sis.

Say this prayer with me: Dear heavenly Father, thank you for our life and breath. Thank you for sending your son to pay for our sins. Lord, I know we’ve made mistakes. We may have gone down the wrong paths. But you're a forgiving God. Forgive us for things seen and unseen. We will continue to read your word and become closer to you. We love you, we thank you and we ask you all these things in Jesus' name Amen.

I pray blessings upon your life. <3

Keep up with me on social media Instagram and Facebook and Twitter.


Antoinette F-M

— Meet Antoinette —


God fearing Wife, Mother of 2, Podcaster, Social Media Manager, and Blogger. Blogs about her passion with social media, journey through motherhood and wifehood, sharing her testimonies, and honest product reviews.


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